2nd Vice President Election


Good afternoon,
This is the final list of names that will appear on the ballot for 2nd Vice President.

Cody Loomis
Alex Porgesz
Matthew Johnson

Elections are to be held at the union hall on Wednesday 12/5, Thursday 12/6 and Friday 12/7, all days being from 0700-1000. No sooner, no later. At the conclusion of the vote on Friday, votes shall be counted and the winner will be announced in the union meeting which shall begin at 1000.

Please feel free to contact me or any Eboard member with any questions.

Also, if you are unsure of who a candidate is that is running, feel free to email them or call them and ask questions about what their intentions are.

Emails are as follows:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Hailey Monismith
Elections Supervisor
Local 3852
Fire Rescue Professionals
of Alachua County